Crivelli Europe Scholarships 23rd Edition: An Opportunity for Aspiring Economists, Bankers, and Finance Professionals

The UniCredit Foundation has announced the 23rd edition of the Crivelli Europe Scholarships, a prestigious award aimed at supporting young graduates in economics, banking, or finance who aspire to pursue their PhD studies abroad. Named in memory of Giovanna Crivelli, a UniCredit employee who passed away prematurely, these scholarships reflect UniCredit’s commitment to nurturing the next generation of European researchers.

Overview of the Crivelli Europe Scholarships

The Crivelli Europe Scholarships are designed to enable talented individuals to advance their academic and professional careers by providing financial support for their PhD studies abroad. For the academic years 2025/2026 and 2026/2027, three scholarships will be awarded, each valued at €65,000 (before taxes) for a two-year period. These scholarships are intended to cover tuition fees and living expenses, offering recipients the freedom to focus on their studies and research without financial worries.

Key Features

  1. Scholarship Value: Each scholarship amounts to €65,000 (gross of taxes) for two years.
  2. Coverage: The funds can be used for tuition fees or living expenses, as decided by the recipient.
  3. Duration: The scholarships are renewable annually, subject to satisfactory academic progress.
  4. Eligibility: Open to graduates under 28 years old with a degree in economics, banking, or finance obtained within three years prior to the competition notice.
  5. Exclusivity: The scholarship cannot be combined with any other scholarships.

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for the Crivelli Europe Scholarships, applicants must meet the following requirements:

  1. Citizenship: Applicants must either be citizens of a country where UniCredit is present, with a degree from any university (even outside UniCredit’s geographical area), or citizens of any nationality with a degree from a European university within UniCredit’s geographical area.
  2. Educational Background: Applicants must have obtained a degree in economics, banking, or finance with a final top mark, or be expected to obtain such a degree by July 31, 2025.
  3. Age Limit: Applicants must be under 28 years old.
  4. Language Proficiency: Applicants must demonstrate good knowledge of the language used in the university courses for which the scholarship will be spent.

Application Process

The application process for the Crivelli Europe Scholarships is straightforward but requires careful attention to detail. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you through the process:

1. Online Application

Candidates must submit their applications online through the UniCredit Foundation’s website. All documents should be compiled into a single PDF file and written in English.

2. Required Documentation

The application must include:

  • A certified copy of the degree certificate, indicating grades in individual exams and the final grade.
  • A copy of a currently valid identification document.
  • A detailed CV, including education and work experience.
  • The degree dissertation or an equivalent document.
  • A summary of the degree dissertation (no more than ten pages) highlighting the applicant’s original contribution.
  • Any additional documents (publications, certificates, etc.) that may support the application.
  • A TOEFL certificate or equivalent document certifying language proficiency.
  • GRE or GMAT results.

3. Reference Letters

At least two reference letters from university teachers must be sent directly by the referees to the UniCredit Foundation.

4. Submission Deadline

All applications and accompanying documents must be submitted online by November 15, 2024. Late applications will not be accepted.

Selection Process

The selection process for the Crivelli Europe Scholarships is rigorous and conducted by a Scientific Committee composed of academic experts in economics and finance from major European countries. The committee will prioritize candidates who demonstrate exceptional academic achievements and the potential to contribute significantly to their fields.

1. Evaluation Criteria

The committee will evaluate applications based on:

  • Academic performance.
  • Quality and originality of the degree dissertation.
  • GRE or GMAT scores.
  • Reference letters.
  • Overall potential for success in a PhD program.

2. Interviews

The committee may call candidates for an interview to further assess their suitability for the scholarship.

3. Announcement of Winners

The winners of the scholarships will be announced no later than January 31, 2025.

Award and Renewal

Award Procedure

Recipients must notify the UniCredit Foundation of their chosen university and course of specialization. The scholarship amount can be paid directly to the university for tuition fees or to the recipient for living expenses, as per the recipient’s preference.

Renewal Criteria

The scholarships are renewable for a second year, subject to the recipient’s satisfactory academic progress. Recipients must submit a report in July 2026 detailing their studies, exams, and research progress.

Cooperation with UniCredit Companies

UniCredit reserves the right to offer recipients opportunities for employment or collaboration with Group companies, either during their PhD studies or upon graduation.


The Crivelli Europe Scholarships offer a unique opportunity for aspiring economists, bankers, and finance professionals to advance their academic and professional careers. With substantial financial support and the prestige associated with UniCredit, recipients can focus on their studies and research, paving the way for a successful future.

If you meet the eligibility criteria and are passionate about pursuing a PhD in economics, banking, or finance abroad, don’t miss the chance to apply for the 23rd edition of the Crivelli Europe Scholarships. Submit your application by November 15, 2024, and take a significant step towards achieving your academic and professional goals.

For more information and to apply, visit the UniCredit Foundation’s website here.


1. Who can apply for the Crivelli Europe Scholarships?

The scholarships are open to graduates under 28 years old with a degree in economics, banking, or finance, who obtained their degree within three years prior to the competition notice. Applicants must be citizens of a country where UniCredit is present or have a degree from a European university within UniCredit’s geographical area.

2. How much is the scholarship worth?

Each scholarship is valued at €65,000 (gross of taxes) for a two-year period.

3. Can the scholarship be used for both tuition fees and living expenses?

Yes, recipients can choose to use the scholarship for tuition fees or living expenses. The UniCredit Foundation will pay the amount directly to the university or the recipient, depending on the choice.

4. Is the scholarship renewable?

Yes, the scholarship is renewable for a second year, subject to satisfactory academic progress.

5. What is the application deadline?

The application deadline for the 23rd edition of the Crivelli Europe Scholarships is November 15, 2024.

6. How are the winners selected?

The winners are selected by a Scientific Committee based on academic performance, the quality of the degree dissertation, GRE or GMAT scores, reference letters, and overall potential for success in a PhD program.

7. When will the winners be announced?

The winners will be announced no later than January 31, 2025.

8. Can the scholarship be combined with other scholarships?

No, the Crivelli Europe Scholarship cannot be combined with any other scholarships. Recipients must commit to not accepting any other scholarship for the duration of the Crivelli scholarship.

9. What are the reporting requirements for the scholarship recipients?

Recipients must submit a progress report in July 2026 detailing their studies, exams, and research progress. The scholarship installments are paid in quarterly payments, with the first installment paid in advance.

10. Can the recipients work with UniCredit companies?

Yes, UniCredit reserves the right to offer recipients opportunities for employment or collaboration with Group companies, either during their PhD studies or upon graduation.

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