
All implicit and express warranties, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, suitability for a particular purpose, and non-infringement, are disclaimed by this notice and its suppliers and licensors. Only “AS IS” and “AS AVAILABLE” are our services available. We make no guarantees on the correctness of our services or the continuous and uninterrupted availability of our suppliers and licensors. You understand and accept that you use our services at your own risk and judgment while downloading content or accessing other services.

Relevant Law and Jurisdiction

The laws shall govern the agreement for any access to or use of our services, unless a special statute applies.

The appropriate state and federal courts shall be the venue for any disputes arising out of or relating to the Agreement and any access to or use of our services.

Possible Changes

We reserve the right to change or update these terms at any moment, at our sole discretion.

In the event that there are any significant changes, we will notify you in writing on our website, via email, or by another means prior to their implementation. A reasonable period of time following which the amended terms become effective will be specified in the notice.

You must cease using our services within the notice period we have given or as soon as the changes go into effect if you believe that our modifications are undesirable.

The updated terms will apply as long as you keep using our services.

Your use of the website (the “Service”) run by (“us”, “we”, or “our”) is governed by the Terms. They have the authority to decide how you can use and obtain any resources, products, or services.

You agree to abide by all of the terms and conditions stated above, as well as any other operating guidelines and rules that we may, from time to time issue, in order for us to grant you access to our services.

Before utilizing our services or gaining access to them, please carefully read the agreement. You accept these terms by accessing or utilizing any portion of our services. You are not allowed to access or use our services if you disagree with any portion of the terms stated in the agreement.