What is the Minimum Bank Balance for Canada Student Visa 2024? Complete Guide

You must have heard that as a student planning to study in Canada, you need to have a minimum bank balance. But what is the minimum bank balance for Canada student visa? That’s what we will discuss in this guide. 

Canada is one of the top destinations where international students receive world-class education coupled with multicultural experiences. 

However,  as a student, there’s an important financial requirement you need to meet: which is proving that you have enough funds to support yourself. 

How do you do that? Let’s go into the details of the minimum bank balance required for Canada student visa. 

Are you ready? 

Why is Proof of Funds important for a Canadian Student Visa? 

Canada wants to ensure that international students can cover their tuition and living expenses without financial strain. 

This requirement helps maintain the integrity of the student visa program and ensures students can focus on their studies.

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What is the Minimum Bank Balance for Canada Student Visa? 

To get a Canada student visa, you must demonstrate that you have sufficient funds to cover your tuition fees and living expenses which include: 

  • Tuition Fees: This varies depending on the institution and program.
  • Living Expenses:
    •    For the student: CAD 10,000 per year.
    •    For the first family member: CAD 4,000 per year.
    •    For each additional family member: CAD 3,000 per year.

For example, if you’re studying in Canada with one family member, you’ll need to show proof of CAD 14,000 for living expenses, plus your tuition fees.

How to Calculate Proof of Funds 

When calculating proof of funds for a Canadian student visa, you need to ensure you have enough money to cover your tuition fees and living expenses for at least one year. 

Here’s a step-by-step guide below to help you:

 1. Tuition Fees

First, you need to determine the tuition fees for your chosen program and institution. This amount depends on the course and university.

 2. Living Expenses

You also need to show you have enough funds to cover living expenses for yourself and any accompanying family members. The basic requirements have been explained above. 

 3. Additional Costs

You should consider other costs such as flights and entry logistics. While these are not always explicitly required, it’s good to get yourself prepared.

 Example Calculation

Let’s say you’re a student with one family member. Here’s how you would calculate your proof of funds:

  • Tuition Fees: CAD 20,000 
  • Living Expenses: CAD 10,000 (student) + CAD 4,000 (first family member)
  • Total Proof of Funds: CAD 34,000

What are the Acceptable Proof of Funds? 

Now that you know what the Minimum Bank Balance for Canada Student Visa is, how do you prove that you have them? 

You can prove your financial capacity through various means, including:

  • Bank Statements: Showing a stable balance over the past four months.
  • Guaranteed Investment Certificate (GIC): From a participating Canadian financial institution.
  • Student Loan: Proof of a student or education loan from a bank.
  • Scholarships or Grants: Proof of funding from scholarships or educational grants.
  • Bank Draft: That can be converted to Canadian dollars.
  • Proof of Payment: For tuition and housing fees.

Tips for a Successful Application

Before you start applying for your Canadian student visa, you should 

  • Ensure your bank statements show consistent balances.
  • Keep all financial documents organized and readily available.
  • Provide accurate and truthful information to avoid complications.

Also, you should avoid

  • Insufficient Funds: Ensure you meet the minimum required amount.
  • Incomplete Documentation: ensure to Submit all necessary documents to avoid delays.
  • Last-Minute Arrangements: Plan your finances well in advance to avoid last-minute hassles.


Aside from the cost of getting a Canada student visa, it is also required of you to have Minimum Bank Balance for Canada Student Visa. This is to ensure that you have enough funds to cater to your studies, tuition, expenses as well as living expenses. 

We have carefully analyzed What the Minimum Bank Balance for Canada Student Visa is and how to calculate it. 

We hope with this guide, you will be able to effectively prepare yourself before applying for a Canadian student visa. 

We wish you success on your application. 

Have questions or need further assistance? Leave a comment below. Don’t forget to share this article with fellow aspiring students!

See also: Applications for 2025-2026 Chevening Scholarships Are Now Open: A Comprehensive Guide


What is the minimum amount of funds required for a Canadian student visa?

To get a Canadian student visa, you need to show proof of funds to cover your tuition fees and living expenses. 

The basic requirement is CAD 10,000 per year for the student, plus CAD 4,000 for the first family member and CAD 3,000 for each additional family member

What types of documents can be used to prove financial capacity?

You can use various documents to prove your financial capacity, including:

  • Bank statements for the past four months.
  • A Guaranteed Investment Certificate (GIC) from a participating Canadian financial institution.
  • Proof of a student or education loan from a bank.
  • Proof of payment for tuition and housing fees.
  • A bank draft that can be converted to Canadian dollars.
  • Proof of funding from scholarships or educational grants

How should I calculate the total amount of funds needed?

To calculate the total amount of funds needed, you need to add your tuition fees to the required living expenses. 

For example, if your tuition fees are CAD 20,000 and you are studying alone, you need CAD 30,000 (CAD 20,000 for tuition + CAD 10,000 for living expenses) in total

Can I use a scholarship as proof of funds?

Yes, scholarships or educational grants can be used as proof of funds. You also need to provide official documentation that confirms the amount and duration of the scholarship or grant

What happens if my proof of funds is insufficient?

If your proof of funds is insufficient, your student visa application may be denied. Hence, you should ensure that you meet the minimum financial requirements and provide accurate and complete documentation to avoid any complications

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